
The term asset is a synonym for active power: power ( capacity) has, who is able to do something. Individuals have assets, as well as groups or companies a fortune is attributed. Abilities are innate, as opposed to skills or determined by external circumstances and must therefore not be acquired. Many skills can be improved by training.

  • 2.1 Asset internalized as cultural capital

Assets in philosophy

Wealth and opportunity

According to Aristotle, the assets would be the active power to produce something, as opposed to passive reception possibility of a malleable object. example:

  • A potter uses its assets ( its active potency) to shape the sound ( passive reception at any time) to a vase.

Ernst Bloch differ in the foundation of his work The Principle of Hope 's assets as an active ability as a power of the passive ability as a given, as a potentiality. Assets ( the potency) and potentiality must engage as each partial conditions to realize the possibility of a concrete utopia. This he applies also to the development of society. example:

  • For society changes, this means that not only the social situation must be ripe for a change, but also the active population. Both conditions must be met and partial mesh, otherwise there would be this opportunity.

Kant types of assets

Immanuel Kant introduces in the introduction to the Critique of Judgment, " all the power of the human mind without exception" to the

  • Cognition
  • The feeling of pleasure and displeasure
  • The faculty of desire


Assets in sociology

Assets as internalized cultural capital

With Pierre Bourdieu himself fortune could be understood as internalized ( unincorporated ) culture. Company incorporated cultural capital together with objectified cultural capital ( for example, possession of books, pictures and other cultural objects ) and institutionalized cultural capital ( titles and positions) the cultural capital of a person.
