Abraham Abramson

Abraham Abramson ( 1752 or * 1754 in Potsdam, † July 23, 1811 in Berlin) was a German and the most important Jewish medal and Royal Prussian mint master. He was a pupil of his father Jacob, Abraham (1772-1800), active in Berlin and verfertigte medals, the current events of his time had on the subject, especially from the Prussian history. He also formed from celebrities, such as Immanuel Kant, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Christoph Martin Wieland, Johann Georg Sulzer, Friedrich Gedike, Leonhard Euler, Moses Mendelssohn and Marcus Herz, also some medals Jewish content come from him.

Until 1807 Zinner made 57 commemorative coins that are collected in Johann Georg Meusel Teutscher dictionary of artists of 1808.
