Abraham Oppenheim

Abraham Oppenheim ( born May 24, 1804 in Cologne, † October 9, 1878 ibid ), from 1868 von Oppenheim was a German banker and patron.


Oppenheim was the second son of twelve children of the banker Salomon Oppenheim Jr. and his wife Deigen Levi (1775-1842), who later called himself Therese stone. She was the daughter of a businessman from Dülmen.

1821 joined the eldest son of Salomon Oppenheim (junior ), Simon, with his father's bank a, followed him later Abraham; In the same year paid Oppenheim his wife Therese with signatory power from.

Salomon Oppenheim Jr. gave his sons Simon and Abraham 1827 general power of attorney to continue the banking business. The following year, Abraham was also a partner. He built the founded by his father commission and exchange house to a major private bank. By his marriage in 1834 with Charlotte Beyfus ( 1811-1887 ), the family was closely related to the Rothschild banking family and also not related.

Abraham Oppenheim had share in the development of the German railways, the German insurance industry and the Rhenish engineering and cotton industry. In 1868, he was elevated as the first unbaptized Jew in Prussia in the baron and belonged to the inner circle of King Wilhelm I.. During his advice to the king, he organized together with Gerson and other friendly bankers financing the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 by a government bond. The von Bismarck advocated "revolutionary" plan by Abraham Oppenheim and Bleichröder to privatize the state-owned mines in the Saar and so to fund the war took place at King of Prussia no hearing.
