Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi

Ibn al - Jawzi (Arabic ابن الجوزي, DMG Ibn al - Ǧauzī; * 1116 in Baghdad, † 1201 ibid ), with other names Abu l - Faraj Abd ar- Rahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ( ابو الفرج عبد الرحمن بن علي بن محمد Abu 'l- ʿ Abd ar -Rahman Faraǧ b. ʿ Alī b. Muḥammad ), was a prolific polymath hanbalitischer and preacher. He has written hundreds of Arabic works on diverse subjects such as Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, preaching, medicine, literature and language, geography, history and narrative material, of which, however, not all have survived.


Ibn al - Jawzi came from a wealthy family of merchants and studied after basic training in the Koran and the Hadith knowledge machinations at the most famous scholars of Baghdad. His own career as a scholar, he began to 1150th To 1178/19 he was the head of five madrasa colleges. But he was best known because of his talent as a rousing speaker and preacher.

Ibn al - Jawzi was one of the Hanbali scholars who llāh under the Abbasid caliph al - Muqtafī bi- ' (r. 1136-1160 ) were particularly strongly encouraged, and stood to Ibn Hubaira, the vizier of this caliph, in close contact. As with al - Mustandschid (reigned 1160-70 ) changed the policy on religion, also the influence of Ibn al - Dschauzīs decreased significantly at the court. The next caliph, al - Mustadī ' bi- amri ' llāh (reigned 1170-1180 ), but again supported the traditionalists, especially the Hanbalis, which in turn Ibn al- Jawzi zugutekam. He received under this ruler quasi inquisitorial power and had the right abhzuhalten the Friday sermon in the mosque of the palace associated. Al- Mustadīs successor to Nāsir - li - dini ' llāh (reigned 1180-1225 ), in turn, changed the religion of politics, in which Ibn al - Jawzi gradually lost its position of power. From 1194 under house arrest in the city ostirakischen Wasit, he barely had influence on the fate of the country. It was not until 1199, after the intervention of the caliph mother, he was able to return to Baghdad.


The scope of Ibn al - Dschauzīs oeuvre is, as already mentioned, very large. As an insight into his work, the following works may be mentioned:

  • Al- Suluk al - Muluk Muntaẓam fī wa-l - Umam ( " Ordered list of the behaviors of the rulers and peoples " ), World History in 18 volumes.
  • Al- Mudhisch ( " The Amazing " ), encyclopedic work on the Qur'an, Hadith and linguistics as a basis for sermons.
  • Zad al - ʿ ilm fī MASIR at- Tafseer ( " food for the journey of the science of Qur'an exegesis ").
  • Sifaat aṣ - Safwa ( " The property of the elite " ) a history of Sufism based on the work Ḥilyat al - Awliya ʾ Abū Nu ʿ aim al -Isfahani (d. 1038 ).
  • Talbees Iblees ( " The Seduction / forgery of the devil" ), treatise, in which he polemically critical deals with other theological and religious denominations of Islam, particularly with different Sufis.
  • Kitāb Ahkam An-Nisa ʾ ( "Book of Rules for Women ").

Ibn al - Jawzi also has an essay on al - Khidr written, in which he fought against the belief in the afterlife. This paper, however, is obtained only by quotations in later works of Arab authors.
