Abu Dawood

Abū Dāwūd as- Sidschistānī, Sulaimān ibn Ishaaq ibn al - Ash'ath al - azdi, Arabic أبو داود سليمان بن الأشعث بن إسحاق الأزدي السجستاني, Abū Dāwūd DMG Sulaimān b. al - ʿ Aš AT b. Ishaq al - azdi as- Siǧistānī (* 817 in Sigistan; † 888 in Basra ), was an Islamic tradition Aryans and hadith critics.


As early as age 17 to 18 he joined his study tour, which led him to the great centers of Islamic scholarship: After Basra, Kufa, Mecca, Khorasan and Fustat. He is said to have studied with more than forty scholars of his time. His most famous teacher was Ahmad ibn Hanbal in Baghdad. Among his pupils was as traditionist especially al-Tirmidhi known. According to his study trips, he settled on the request of the Abbasid caliph al - Muwaffaq in Basra. al - Dhahabi in his scholarly biography and Ibn ' Asakir in his history of the city of Damascus describe in detail his life and learning on multiple pages.


  • , Also called أبي Kitab al- sunan كتاب السنن سنن داود / Sunan Abī Dāwūd, is one of the six canonical hadith in the Islamic tradition beings. It contains a total of 5274 hadiths that represent the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in recognized traditions. It is, like the other Sunan works of the 9th century, arranged by chapters of fiqh. The work is an important source for the representation of the early stages of the hadith literature. In subsequent generations, it has been commented on more than once; the most famous comment wrote a great-grandnephew of the second Caliph Umar ibn al - Khattab, Abu Sulaimān al - Chattābī (* 931, † 998 ) under the title Ma ʿ alim al- sunan ( Guide to the Sunan ( Abū Dāwūd ) ), the multiple of the Orient was printed.

Abū Dāwūd subjects the hadiths he cites a scientifically justified criticism; because he has not been recognized as "completely gleichwerthige and unassailable materials of the Mohammedan law," the collected traditions. At one point he writes: "This is a reprehensible ( munkar ) Hadith, I have heard that Ahmad ibn Hanbal the same very strict rejected ". During the repeated examination of his materials by the colleges he has not received such hadiths in the new readings.

These critical glosses are the oldest surviving literary evidence of the Hadithkritik within the tradition of literature from the 9th century. For the meaning of the work also speaks its spread by Andalusian scholars in the mid-10th century Islamic Spain. Between the 10th and 18th centuries it has been commented on multiple times.

  • His collection of legal questions al - masā'il allatī chālafa ' alaihā al - Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal / المسائل التي خالف عليها الإمام أحمد بن حنبل / al - Masa ʾ il allatī ḫālafa alaihā ʿ al - Imaam Ahmad b. Ḥanbal /, legal issues, those of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal disagreed ' is preserved in a manuscript dated from the year 879 and contains the legal doctrines of his teacher in his direct tradition. The work is one of the oldest collections on controversial doctrines of legal scholars in the 9th century. Probably it is a copy of Abū Dāwūd itself ( see photo).
  • Another book of 595 questions that Abū Dāwūd to Ahmad ibn Hanbal taught su ʾ alat Abī Dāwūd lil Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal fī Jarh al - ruwāt wa - ta ʿ dīlihim / سؤالات أبي داود للإمام أحمد ابن حنبل في جرح الرواة وتعديلهم / su ʾ alat Abī Dāwūd lil- Imaam Ahmad b. Ḥanbal fī ǧarḥ ar - ruwāt wa - ta ʿ dīlihim / questions Abū Dāwūd to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the critical evaluation of narrators ', is a collection of predicates, by Ibn Hanbal characterized both contemporary and older narrators of hadith.
  • Kitaab al - marāsīl كتاب المراسيل /, The book about traditions in whose isnaad missing a narrators ' is in several manuscripts before about 70 folios and has been printed in 1892 in Cairo. It is a fragment which also belongs to the genre of tradition criticism.
  • Kitāb az- zuhd كتاب الزهد /, The book on asceticism ' contains 521 the Prophet and his followers attributed statements about the benefits of the ascetic life that distinguish devout Muslims. The only known manuscript of this collection is preserved in the library of the University of al - Qarawiyin.
  • Another book that the Andalusian scholar Ibn 'Abd al -Barr, entitled ʿ a lām to - nubuwwa / أعلام النبوة /, The characteristics of prophecy ' cited has been lost.