
When a component is called abutment in bridge construction that makes the transition between the bridge structure and the embankment.


The abutment supports the end of the bridge superstructure and derives the vertical and horizontal forces possible from the bridge superstructure to the subsoil. In addition, it secures in the transition zone to the bridge superstructure to the earth dam in position by recording the Erddruckkräfte.

Abutment of beam bridges are usually made of the foundation and the abutment walls, if necessary. Auflagerbank with a for the bearings and usually with lateral wing walls

The term originally comes from the arched bridges, which, supported on the ground at the bow end of the ablation of the horizontal and vertical forces from the vault thrust abutment, now commonly called fighters foundations.


An abutment from a natural stone for bridges is called Auflagerquader. It is a stone block which receives the superimposed load, for example, a steel or wooden bridge. These stone of the historic bridge construction particularly high quality demands are made in terms of pressure and weathering resistance. The size of each cuboid must be determined according to the expected forces.
