Abyssobrotula galatheae

Abyssobrotula galatheae is a deep sea fish of the family of cusk ( Ophidiidae ). He lives worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions of all the oceans between 46 ° N and 48 ° S. Its habitat is the Abyssal and Hadal at depths below 3100 meters. A copy of Abyssobrotula galatheae, which was collected at a depth of 8370 meters in the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest so far Fish Fund. However, the copy was already dead and thus it is not clear whether the fish has actually lived there. The fish that lives proven in the largest ocean depth, is Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis from the family of disc Bellies ( Liparidae ), which was filmed at a depth of 7700 meters in the Japan Trench.


Abyssobrotula galatheae is 16.5 cm long. As he has all cusk an elongated body which is flattened rear side and is surrounded by a Flossensaum from coalesced dorsal, caudal and anal fin. The head is short and directed downward, the mouth inferior, swollen muzzle. The eyes are small. On the gills sits a little -developed spine. The anterior gill arches have eight to eleven gills Reuse rays. Abyssobrotula galatheae has paired tooth plates at the Basibranchiale ( bone at the base of the branchial arch ). The pectoral fins are supported by fin rays ten to eleven, the throat constant pelvic fins are reduced to two fin rays. The number of vertebrae in the abdomen is 18 to 21

Way of life

Abyssobrotula galatheae is rare and its way of life unknown. It is believed that he, like other oviparous cusk, lays pelagic eggs, which are held together by a gelatinous mass.
