Academia Brasileira de Letras

- 22.9105357 - 43.1727458Koordinaten: 22 ° 54 ' 37.93 "S, 43 ° 10' 21.88 " W

The Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL) ( German: Brazilian Academy of Letters ) is a Brazilian Literature Society, which was founded in the late 19th century by 40 writers and poets inspired by the French Académie française. Your goal is to take care of the Brazilian language and literature, as a language club, it is also the highest authority for the Brazilian Portuguese. 2014 Holanda Cavalcanti Geraldo officiates as the 51st President.


The foundation of the company took place on 15 December 1896 the first president elected by acclamation Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. Following the adoption of the Statute on 28 January 1897, the establishment of the Academy followed on 20 July 1897. It was composed of 40 founding members, Fundador together. Members shall not maintain this position until her death. They in turn choose an additional 20 international, " corresponding " members.

New members are appointed by election, if one of the numbered seats, the " cadeiras ", named after a patron saint, the Patrono, free will. On official occasions, the members wearing uniform with sword, called " fardão ". Until 1977, when the narrator Rachel de Queiroz was chosen for the seat No. 5, there were only male members, today the figure is 10 % women, which functioned from 1996 to 1997 Nélida Piñon and Ana Maria Machado from 2012 to 2013 as President.

The building " Petit Trianon "

In 1923, thanks to the initiative of the President of the Academy, Afrânio Peixoto, and the French ambassador, Raymond Conty, the building of the French Pavilion at the " Exposição do Centenario because Independencia do Brasil ", the " Petit Trianon " ( " Petit Trianon " ) of the Academy given. This building in the neoclassical style is a replica of the " Petit Trianon " at Versailles, at the time built 1762-1769 by the architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel.

1932 was the occasion of a memorial ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of Goethe's suggestion of Edgar Roquette- Pinto in the garden of the " Petit Trianon " a " Goetheanum ", a named after Goethe mallow family, planted as a symbol of humanism plant.

More recently, the Academy opened one of the largest public libraries in Rio de Janeiro, with about 90,000 volumes and a large media center.

The Academy annually awards several literary awards, of which the Prêmio Machado de Assis is the most important Brazilian prize, which is awarded for lifetime achievement. It is endowed with R $ 100,000. In addition, there are prizes for poetry, drama, essays, criticism, or children's literature. As of 2005, the " Arino Afonso de Melo Franco Prize" will be awarded.

Current members of the Academy

Corresponding Members from Germany

As corresponding members were elected from Germany: Theodor Mommsen, from 1898 to his death in 1903, Hermann Mathias Goergen from 1989 until his death in 1994 and Curt Meyer- Clason since 1981 until his death in January 2012.
