Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua

The Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua ( Spanish, German: Highest Academy of the Quechua language, Quechua: Qheswa simi hamut'ana kuraq Suntur ), short AMLQ in Cusco is a private research institution founded in 1990 that is committed to the care of the written language Quechua.

The AMLQ takes the position that there is only one language Quechua. As written standard today Quechua of Cusco is (ie no compensation variant such as the Southern Quechua ) with all its regional characteristics apply. They also used the term Inca Quechua ( Quechua Inka or Inka Qheswa ), but is meant today's Quechua of Cusco. Vehement represents the AMLQ in 1975 decided in Peru Quechua alphabet which corresponds in most respects to the current, valid since 1985 official alphabet, but in contrast to this, the five vowels a, e, i, o, u contains.

The AMLQ refers to a law (No. 25260 ), which was adopted by the Peruvian Parliament on 6 June 1990 and in the creation of a language academy for Quechua in Cusco is provided. On the other hand, gets the AMLQ almost no money from the Peruvian government, and the Ministry of Education does not share their views as to the spelling of the Quechua.

The AMLQ has offices ( Academias filiales ) in several Peruvian cities, including Lima and Arequipa. However, by indigenous peoples from around the city of Cajamarca operated, founded Academia Regional del Idioma de Cajamarca Quechua ( ARIQC ) in 1987 is an independent institution with which it was friction when trying to AMLQ to start their own branch in competition.
