
As Acariasis (or Acaridosis, Akaridose, Akarinose ) a disease is called that by mites ( Acarida) or their larvae caused. These diseases which are treated as so-called epizootic.

The itch and pain caused by Trombidiidae Trombidiose ( syn.: Trombiculose; harvest scabies, Herbstbeiß ) also belong to the Akaridosen how different Tierräuden that can be transmitted to humans and thereby acts as a false host:

  • Gamasidose, by a mite ( Gamasidae ) disease caused
  • Cheyletiellose: caused by predatory mites of the genus Cheyletiella

Here, a species, however, are also home to several mites - the guinea pig, for example, in addition to the fur mite ( Chirodiscoides caviae ) and the mange mite ( Trixacarus caviae ) and the predatory mite ( Cheyletiella prarasitivorax ).

Other species of mites that can cause problems in humans are: Sarcoptidae, Tryglophidae, Tarsonemidae, Eupodidae, Pycmotidae, Demodecidae.

A dust mite allergy, however, will not be called Akaridose - and is not caused by the mites directly, but as a result of sensitization to their droppings.

See also: mite dermatitis ( Acarodermatitis )

Note: When ascariasis is defined as the infestation of humans with the roundworm ( Ascaris lumbricoides )

  • Zoonosis

Pictures of Acariasis
