Accelerating change

In the futurology Accelerating change and Law of Accelerating Returns described ( German about "the law of accelerating returns " ), the rise of the quality and the quantity of technological achievements, is counted among the inventions not only, but also knowledge. This increase, so the theory goes, exponentially. As a popular advocate of this idea Raymond Kurzweil is often called.

Kurzweil believes that Moore's Law is only a small part of a larger general law, namely the law of accelerating returns. He also formulated a technology, as far as they can no longer continue to develop, will be replaced by another (for example, transistors are so small that they can not be cooled, or make it a negative quantum-mechanical effects noticeable ). This law leads inevitably, as Kurzweil, the technological singularity, in the combine man and machine (or artificial intelligence).

Kurzweil describes the law of accelerating returns in his book Homo sapiens S @ and in his 2001 essay The Law of Accelerating Returns.
