
With Accumulatio ( accumulation, word clustering; accumulare from Latin: pile ) is a style figure, in which several terms in the same category are strung together. On closer classification of figures of style, it is a word character.

Through the accumulation of similar terms it often comes at the same time to a redundancy.


  • " Call it luck! Heart! Love! God "( Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust IV 3454 )
  • " Now rest all the forests, livestock, people, Städt and fields. " (Paul Gerhardt )
  • " Is something that not destroyed by war, sword, flame and spit? " (Andreas Gryphius )

Also in the phrase " women, men, children, young and old -. Everyone wanted to come," the children's song " lantern, sun, moon and stars " and the slogan " Square, Practical, Good," there is a Accumulatio.
