Ace Motor Corporation

The A.C.E. Corporation, a company from Philadelphia, USA, built in the 1920s, heavy motorcycles. William Henderson, founder of the motorcycle brand his name, had sold his company to Excelsior in 1917 and founded in 1919 with Max Sladkin the ACE Corporation to turn with a displacement near 1200 cm ³ to build great motorcycles with longitudinally mounted four-cylinder engines. After Henderson on December 11, 1922 fatal accident at a test drive, Arthur O. Lemon led the work. 1927, the company went to the Indian competitors, which (without dots ) the Indian stalked the name ACE and the motorcycles named to 1929 Indian - ACE. The later improved machines were known only as "Indian " after 1929.

Thus, both the Henderson motorcycles and the ACEMaschinen ancestors of the "Indian " are Motorcycle cult.

This relates to 4 - cylinder in-line engines, since the true cult ( for the first time by O. Hedstrom 1907) introduced primarily by the V-type engine. The improved version was introduced in 1916 (Power Plus) by his assistant CJ Gustafson and had been so designated Side -valves ( side -valve engines ) was the first commercially integrated as a control valve.

The very first four-cylinder in-line engines, however, were built by the Belgian FN ( in 1904 ).
