
The Acedia [ ake: d' ia] ( Latinized from Greek ἀκήδεια ' carelessness, negligence, Not Make Want ' by κῆδος ' concern ') is according to theological teaching one of the seven root sins or capital vices. A German -language equivalent is difficult to find, the concept of " inertia of the heart" but likely meant the much closer than the often relied on the concept of laziness. To Acedia also includes a state of mind within the Bedeutungshofs of sadness, melancholy and weariness.

The six "daughters" of acedia ( metastases acediæ ) are by Gregory Thomas Aquinas:

  • Malitia ( malice )
  • Rancor ( resentment, rebellion )
  • Pusillanimitas ( pusillanimity )
  • Desperatio ( despair )
  • Torpor about Praecepta ( blunt indifference to the commandments and regulations)
  • Vagatio mentis about illicita ( curving of the mind in the direction of illegal or inappropriate )

The German philosopher Josef Pieper saw the tenor of acedia doctrine that "man is the claim fail, which is given with his own dignity ( ... ) that man his own being ultimately does not agree. "
