
ACEM meditation is a form of passive meditation. It was developed by the Norwegian physician and psychologist Dr. Are Bringing 1966. Get also founded the non-profit organization ACEM, which propagates the method.


The special feature of ACEM meditation is the desire to combine Far Eastern meditation techniques with the insights of Western psychology. The method is explicitly not bound by ideologies or religions and free of cultic elements. There is a meditation teacher, but no gurus, monks or masters. The courses are offered at cost price.


The meditator sits with eyes closed, upright in a comfortable position on a chair with backrest. He repeats the spirit during the whole duration of a meditation meditation volume (see below). Emerging thoughts and images are added and left neither systematically investigated yet been expelled forcefully. If one forgets about the repetition of the sound, you take them up again as soon as you notice it. Two daily sessions of thirty minutes or a 45 minute duration are recommended for regular practice.

Meditation According to

A group of meditation teachers in the ACEM Office developed meditation sounds which serve as repetitively used objects of meditation, similar to the mantras used in the Asian region, where the similarity is merely technical. The meditation sounds in the ACEM meditation is meaningless syllable sequences to trigger any possible associations in the meditators. When learning method is communicated to the meditators (or the whole group ) one of these sounds. There are usually harmonious, vowel -rich words that are to be no longer spoken aloud or written down after the notification by the teacher; otherwise they could quickly lose their meaning neutrality. Therefore, the meditator should keep his sound for themselves.


For the duration of the meditation influences and information from the outside are minimized, and the practitioner turns the events in his mind. By repeating a neutral Loud thoughts and feelings are given space which would otherwise remain hidden during the processing of external influences or internal monologues. ACEM meditation is based on the existence of the unconscious, which the meditator can in this way gradually approaching and so arrive at an increased level of self-knowledge. His encounter with hidden tensions and internal conflicts from an attitude of composure out should lead to greater self-acceptance and inner peace. This is described as a gradual and never -ending process.

Demonstrated effect

Has been scientifically proven yet a hypotensive effect. The attenuation of the influence of stress factors in competitive athletes has also been a positive response. The similarity of the technique for Zen meditation suggests that the recently established for these effects on ACEM are at least partially transferable.


To date, over 60,000 people have used this form of meditation learned, of which about 2000 in Germany. The courses take place in Germany for the most part in community colleges. The teachers travel to for this purpose from Norway and work for free. The ACEM organization has centers in several countries, including three in Germany: Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.
