Acer triflorum

Dreiblütiger maple (Acer triflorum )

The Dreiblütige maple (Acer triflorum ) is a small tree of the genus of the maples in the family of Soapberry ( Sapindaceae ). The natural range is in Korea and in the northeast of China.


The Dreiblütige Maple is a 10 to 12 meters high, little branched tree with conspicuous yellowish brown colored bark that bursts on the trunks and branches in the longitudinal direction and is curled. The shoots are pale to ash brown. The leaves are trifoliate. The leaves are 4-9 inches long and 2 to 3.5 inches wide. They are obovate to lanceolate with entire margins and cut up rough. The upper leaf surface is initially hairy fluffy, the underside is lighter and just nerves are hairy. The petiole is 3-5 cm long and slightly hairy. The leaves turn golden yellow in autumn to orange. The yellow, five petals are in clusters on short shoots threes. The species blooms from April to May The fruits are greenish yellow, thick, densely hairy and 3 to 5 inches long. The wing is spread dull and acute angle. The fruits ripen in September.

Distribution and ecology

The distribution area is located in Korea and the Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and Shaanxi. The species grows in 400 to 700 meters above sea level in cool moist mixed forests on moderately nutrient-rich, moist to moist, well drained, acidic to neutral, sandy- gravelly or humus - rich soils in full sun to light shade locations. The species is usually frost hardy but avoid chalky surfaces.

Systematics and history of research

The Dreiblütige maple (Acer triflorum ) is a species of the genus maples ( Acer) in the family of Soapberry ( Sapindaceae ). There he is assigned to the section Trifoliata, serial Grisea. The first description was in 1901 by Jean -Baptiste de Lamarck in Imperatorskago Trudy S. - Peterburgskago Botaniceskago Sada. Acta Horti Petropolitani. St. Petersburg.


The species is rarely used because of their exceptional autumn color as ornamental tree.

