
  • Achillesaurus manazzonei

Achillesaurus was a theropod dinosaur from the group of Alvarezsauridae whose fossil remains from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina (Río Negro) originate. This genus was first described by Agustín Martinelli and Ezequiel Vera in 2007 with the only previous type ( type species ) Achillesaurus manazzonei.

As with other Alvarezsauriden there were believed to be a bird-like, two-legged animal that struck by very short arms. Achillesaurus was a relatively large and basal (original ) Representatives of Alvarezsauridae, the relationships to other genera of this group remain unclear.

Fund and naming

So far, only a partial skeleton known ( catalog number MACN - PV -RN 1116), which consists of a sacral vertebra, four caudal vertebrae, the upper end of the left femur (femur), the lower end of the left tibia (tibia) in the anatomical association with the anklebone ( Astragalus ), partial metatarsal bone and the left iliac bone ( ilium ) exists. Stratigraphic origin of the fossils from the Bajo de la Carpa - Formation ( Upper Cretaceous, Santonian ), in which the bones of Alvarezsaurus calvoi, another Alvarezsauriden, were discovered.

The name derives from Achilles Achillesaurus from, a hero of Greek mythology, and points to the Achilles heel, the only point at which Achilles is vulnerable. The researchers chose this name because of the heel region of the skeleton diagnostic features were discovered. The Artepitheth manazzonei honors Prof. Rafael Manazzone, an amateur paleontologist who the researchers presented data on ready Patagonian fossil sites and several paleontological field trips supported.
