Active listening

In active listening is understood in the interpersonal communication, emotional (affective ) reaction of a party to the message of a speaker. The American psychologist and psychotherapist Carl Rogers has active listening first described as a tool for Client-centered psychotherapy ( psychotherapy ). Its from a humanistic view dominated work places special emphasis on meeting the full human sense - that is, including the emotional level, the non-verbal and principle of mutual benevolence. Active listening is bordered on one side by the less directive echo technique from where only mechanistically the last word has been heard repeatedly, and on the other side of the direktiver acting paraphrase, which returns the cognitive portion of the recorded message.

  • 4.1 On Rogers
  • 4.2 Reiman and Thies - Sprint Hall


The objectives in the use of active listening are complex. On the interpersonal level, in particular the relationship level, to build mutual trust and a worthy prudent use be encouraged.

On the semantic level, active listening helps to avoid misunderstandings.

In the rhetorical range active listening can be used to buy time, to be abused as a beginning of a distraction of the conversation partner and serve the so-called non-violent communication.

Other reasons for active listening can be summarized as follows:

  • Reduction of misunderstandings
  • Improvement of interpersonal relationships
  • Promoting empathy
  • Improvement of problem solutions
  • Easier behavior correction
  • Learning through feedback.

Basic Zuhörmodelle (general)

In addition to a variety of descriptive models, especially the two Zuhörmodelle of Rogers and ball are well received in the scientific literature:

Model by Carl R. Rogers

The American psychotherapist Carl Rogers illustrates the process of hearing and understanding in four stages in a graphical representation. This basis for extension by the concept of active listening is the basis for further discussion in the academic discourse.

WIBR model by Lyman K. steep

In his model to illustrate the steep listening process also starts from a four-stage development:

Sources of error in this case based on the early termination of intense listening and hasty determination of the reaction behavior, without that the end of the statement is awaited. This results in rather inappropriate responses and ways misconduct on the part of the listener.

Misconceptions about the listening

From the ability of good listening, it is essential depends on how efficiently messages can be transmitted. Listening provides for human communication therefore more than just a functional necessity dar. Steep, Summerfield and DeMare provide in their paper on " active listening " (1986) shows that several errors are widespread this:

First listening is primarily a matter of intelligence. With the help of scientific studies this hypothesis could not be confirmed. However, it was found that very active and enthusiastic people are often the poorer listeners due to their intense determination.

2 Listening is closely connected with the hearing. Only if there is major loss of hearing ability of listening is greatly impaired. Concerned, however, this only affects people with age- or disease-related physical and / or mental defects in the hearing aid in the rule.

3 Daily Listening replace the practice. Although listening for almost every person is normal, the average Zuhörleistung is estimated only about 25 percent. This can not be significantly improved through increased listening, if not at the same time the underlying communication habits are fundamentally changed.

4 Since the educated man had already learned to hearken, reading and writing in school-based training, we also know how to listen properly. This assumption leads to the ability to effective listening is neglected as a learnable skill of the education systems.

5 Read to learn, we can learn important than listening. The human auditory takes about three times as much information on as per font. Since the human auditory system is also in itself as opposed to the eye is able to continuously receive signals without fatigue and forward, the educational emphasis of the written word deepens the wrong channel.

6 Good listening is a matter of will. Willpower is not elementary necessary for empathy and understanding. The deliberate and conscious confrontation with the opposite rather has a strong relationship with kindness and inner devotion.

7 Listening is passive and requires neither skill nor effort. The success depends on good communication by Prof. Lyman K. steep from 51 percent of the listener. Is meant by listening not only the purely acoustic recording of the message but also the content capture, it is clear that listening to an equally active process is like speaking.

These errors have long prevented the process of listening was investigated on a scientific basis. It is largely thanks to the psychology that operationalized listening techniques have been developed.

Guidelines for active listening

According to Rogers

Key elements according to Rogers, the following three basic axioms, which he also postulated for the nondirektive conversation in the therapeutic setting:

After Rogers understanding of the speaker is still supported as follows:

  • To engage with the other person, concentrate and express this through their own posture
  • Circumvent cautious with one's own opinion
  • Buyer are welcome
  • Listening does not approve
  • Breaks endure, they can be a sign of confusion, fear or helplessness
  • Pay attention to your own feelings
  • Recognize and address the feelings of the partner
  • Confirmatory short utterances
  • Be patient and do not interrupt the speaker can, finish
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Can not be due to allegations and criticism bring calm
  • Exercise empathy and inwardly put in the position of the speaker.

According to Reiman and Thies - Sprint Hall

The authors Reiman and Thies - Sprint Hall in 1997 eight guidelines for the application of active listening in educational training developed (Great Quote ):

1 Make yourself aware that aspiring teachers and student teachers probably entertain a lot of strong feelings when they start their journey as a teacher. If the mentor or the mentor can gain the trust of prospective teachers, many opportunities for active listening set.

Out 2 experiments, when active listening is announced. If the message of the colleague does not show any special concern, active listening is perhaps not necessary. However, it is important if you want to consciously and seriously help him.

3 Keep it as short as possible if you express your understanding of the thoughts, feelings or concerns of your colleagues or ask stellst; less is more. The mere repetition of the words of others is often unhelpful.

4 Be aware you that the ability active listening time needed to develop. In the beginning, one feels often very wooden and uncomfortable in his role before. Accept this feeling as part of the learning process.

5 Learn sorrowful expressions of colleagues actively listen and to give them the necessary feedback. If you can not think necessary and important information, then prefer to listen in silence, rather than superfluous to say.

6 Respect confidentiality. Active listening encourages colleagues to open. Do you realize that what is being talked about, is confidential.

7 Trust in the ability of your colleagues ( trainees, trainee ), to solve problems themselves. It is important to encourage learning through the points of tasks and support through counseling; but part of effective learning, to seek solutions to problems and even try them out.

8 Make clear that active listening will cost you power. If your " batteries " just are weak, you active listening is very difficult. In such a case, it is wise to make an appointment for another time.


To listen actively, be the speaker mainly affective, ie emotional portions of the message were played. To this end, both nonverbal and verbal attention responses statements are helpful. It does not matter, play the recorded message 1:1 or interpret factual ingredients properly.

1 Nonverbal communication: nod, eye contact, turning the upper body and the head and facial expressions. People with a pronounced gestures can actively listen with hands and arms.

Second language: Short confirmation sounds ( eg, ah, mhm, oh ) with emotional stress, questioning content and the large number of possible short feedback ( eg This was said so, I beg your pardon, And That's interesting? !. how do you feel? ) provide a broad basis for active listening represents an affective stressed summary shall also still considered active listening, as far as their no pronounced cognitive score is given.

The often found here and also in scientific representations regard to paraphrase their cognitive interests of feedback as a means of active listening and reflection, and reflection with their altered presentation shares break through the actual meaning of the term in its precise function to the emotional support of others.


Active listening is a special part of the so-called non-directive interviewing Rogers, the so-called three-step interviews in the area of ​​cooperative learning, and in general each complete education in the field of interpersonal communication, mediation or leadership. It is also privately taught the world both at the university level in professional courses for the study areas of the humanities, medicine, law, and more specifically Business Administration ( here especially in the area of ​​personal selling ) than in a vast number of contexts.

Active listening is in addition to the traditional areas of family and social work, psychotherapy and in the area of human resource development also often used to overcome cross-cultural barriers, for the training of school mediators and to prepare for communication with violent persons in police work ( de-escalation strategies ). In addition, it is increasingly taught in the nursing field and for general medical discussion behavior.

Methodological accompaniment

Further discussion conveyor for a sensitive conversation, controversy or ambiguous communication in connection with active listening are the consistent separation of desirable ME Embassy and often judgmental DU message and the choice of an appropriate situational context for an important conversation.
