Actuarial Association of Austria

The Actuarial Association of Austria ( AVO ) is the actuarial interest group of the Austrian actuaries ( Actuaries ).


The association was founded in 1971 ( approved by the club authorities on February 25, 1971) and in 1995 transformed into a professional body. Initiator of the founding and longtime first president was Dr. Heimo NABL (* 1912), at that time CEO of Vienna Insurance Group.


The focus of the activities of the AVÖ lies in the education and training of its members, in the representation of the interests internally and externally, in the development of general guidelines to support the actuarial activity, in the drafting of regulations to laws and guidelines for interpretation of the law. Professional ethics serve the members as a benchmark for their behavior and non-members as a guide to the lofty goals and competence of the members.

Economically -oriented activities such as the licensing of accounting principles or the organization of training and continuing education events are handled by the Austrian Development Agency founded in 2010, the actuarial GmbH ( ÖFdV GmbH), whose sole shareholder is the AVÖ.

International Contacts

The AVO maintains contacts with the interest groups and professional associations in other countries, it is both a full member of the European umbrella association (Actuarial Association of Europe ) as well as a full member of the International Actuarial Association (International Actuarial Association, ILO). In particular, the professional qualification is recognized as an Approved Actuary within the European umbrella association with each other.

Since 2011, together with the actuarial associations in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Switzerland, the European Actuarial Journal published and distributed via the Springer - Verlag; this journal replaces the previous member magazines.

A special co-operation exists with the German Actuarial Association (DAV ), the Swiss Association of Actuaries ( SAV ) and the Actuarial Association in the Netherlands; jointly by the European Actuarial Academy (EAA, European Actuarial Academy), operating a textbook series (EAA Series) issued.

Previous presidents and their terms of office

  • Heimo NABL (* 1912) ( 1971-1985 )
  • Ernst Kompast ( † 2 June 2003) (1986 to 8 April 1992)
  • Eduard Wimmer (8 April 1992 to 31 December 1998)
  • Helmut Holzer ( January 1, 1999 to May 12, 2005)
  • Klaus Wegenkittl (May 12, 2005 to May 14, 2008 )
  • Christoph Krischanitz (seit 14 May 2008)

Development of membership
