Adam in Islam

Adam (Arabic: آدم, DMG Ādam ) applies in Islam not only as the father of mankind, but also as an important prophet. He is mentioned in 18 passages in the Koran. The people " sons of Adam" are themselves in the Quran as ( Banū Ādam ) (eg Sura 17:70 ). In the hadith collections, the Koran commentaries, the works of Islamic history, and particularly in the Qisas al - Anbiya ʾ literature, the Qur'anic statements about Adam by numerous legends, some of which come from the Jewish tradition adds. Adams name is explained by the Koranexegeten so that God should have created him from the surface ( Adim ) of the earth.

Adam in the Quran

In Sura 2:30-37 is reported from the paradise of the creation of Adam and his expulsion. God announces to the angels that he would appoint a deputy ( Khalifa ) on earth. Although the angels express objections ( 2:30 ), God creates Adam and teaches him the names of all things. This knowledge distinguishes him before the angels of, because the angels know the names of things do not ( 2:31-33 ). The angels will then be asked by God to prostrate to Adam, what these except Iblis, who is an unbeliever, and do ( 2:34 ). God allows Adam and his wife the garden inhabiting, allows them to eat of all the produce of the garden, with the exception of a certain tree which is forbidden to them ( 2:35 ). Satan deceives the two to transgress the commandment, after which they are sold from God and exposed on earth ( 2:36 ). Adam receives from God but then certain words, and he turns back to God graciously ( 2:37 ).

The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise is also treated in Sura 20:115-122. First, it is pointed out that God created Adam imposed an obligation that did this but forgot ( 20:115 ). For this purpose, it is said that the angels once fell down at God's command to Adam, except Iblees ( 20:116 ). God warned Adam before then Iblees and the negative consequences of the expulsion from paradise ( 20:117-9 ). However, Satan whispered to Adam one, from the "tree of immortality and dominion, which shall not pass away " ( šaǧarat al - bounty - mulk wa laa YABLA ) to taste ( 20:120 ). After the two have eaten of the tree, their shame ( w. wickedness ) is aware, and they begin to stitch together leaves of Paradise over themselves. Although Adam has been disobedient to his Lord, ( 20:121 ) chosen him this, it will turn back to him and guides him right ( 20:122 ).

A third time will be the story of Adam and Iblees in Sura 7:11-27. Iblees refused here prosternation to Adam by saying that he was better than Adam because he be created from fire, but Adam from earth ( 7:12 ). He then referenced from God out of heaven, but asks to delay until the Day of Judgment, to now trying to let people also go astray ( 7:13-18 ). Satan whispers an Adam and his wife to eat of the forbidden tree, this time with the argument that God wants to prevent the ban only that they would be immortal beings ( 7:20 ). The two can be deceiving, and being after they have repented and asked for forgiveness: he was cast out of God on the earth, where they are allowed to live as mortals ( 7:21-25 ). The people as sons of Adam ( Banū Ādam ) will eventually warned to cover their nakedness, and not to be tempted by Satan, that made ​​it not be them like their parents when they were expelled from Paradise ( 7:26-27 ).

Adam is mentioned briefly in several other passages in the Koran. Still was for the later Islamic image of this figure, the statement in Sura 3:33 is very important that God created Adam have chosen along with Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Amram.

Adam in Islamic tradition

In the exegesis of the various Quranic sites that deal with Adam, Muslim scholars have early oral tradition of Judaism, as it is recorded in the Talmud and Midrash used. In this way, various elements of the Old Testament have found their way into the Islamic Adam lore, which are not included in the Qur'an. These include in particular the name of Eve, who is not mentioned in the Koran, as well as the snake from the biblical Fall report, which does not occur in the Qur'an also. After the Koranexegeten az- Zamachscharī and al - Baidawi Satan hid in the head of the snake in order to reach the paradise again so after his fall can.

In the Islamic tradition, the image of Adam was a total enriched with many legendary elements. A common hadith that God had created Adam on a Friday. It was generally believed that Adam was especially great. Its length is said to have amounted to 60 cubits, where there was a disagreement over the question of whether this was its original size or it was shortened after the fall on this measure.

Landing on Earth and walk to Mecca

The place where Adam landed on Earth, when he was expelled from paradise, is indicated with India or Sarandib. Sarandib is the old Arabic name for the island of Sri Lanka. Later, the Muslims identified the location for risen above the Adam descended on the earth, with the Adam 's Peak. As the North African traveler Ibn Battuta in the 14th century visited the island Sarandib, he ascended the mountain to see the footprint of Adam situated on it.

From India or Sarandib Adam is said to have begun at the command of God, the journey to Mecca. There he built the Kaaba and performed the ʿ umra. Then an angel took him to ʿ Arafat, where he found the ʿ Arafa Day Eve and the angel the rites of Hajj was taught to make the people to this day.

Another common feature is the notion that India's fertility and abundance of spices on Adam back. ʿ Abd Allāh ibn ʿ Abbās is quoted as saying: " When Adam descended from Paradise, he had Aromatic Plants ( TIB) with with him He planted the trees of India in the valleys of the country, their origin is in paradise So the country is filled there.. spice plants. 's why one gets the spices from India. Their origin is Adam's scent, his scent is the fragrance of Paradise. " The ostiranische traditionists al - Chuttalī (d. 896 ) narrated the statement: " When Adam left the paradise he had a bundle ( Buried ) of cut branches with him He planted them in India What is mentioned in aromatic plants in India. . everything comes from that bundle. "

Adams Prophethood

The idea of Adam's Prophethood arose from Sura 3:33 and different traditions such as the Mi ʿ Raj - narrative, in which Adam is mentioned in a number of other pre-Islamic prophets. These prophets series in which Adam appears, had any influence on that Adam was soon considered himself a prophet. Already al - Hasan al- Basri said to have Sura 3:33 understood in the sense that, had been awarded the prophethood of the person referred to here, which also includes Adam was. In support of the idea of ​​Adams Prophethood also a hadith was cited, according to which Mohammed had his companion Abu Dharr al - Ghifari confirmed this. When Prophet Adam is said to have founded his own religion, which was also familiar with the laws ( SÁRA ʾ i ʿ ) and obligations ( FARA ʾ id).

Offspring and original contract

Eva is said to have twins born Adam twenty times, each a boy and a girl, except Seth, she gave birth to him as an only child. Adam should be first died after he had seen 40,000 children and grandchildren.

Of great importance for the Islamic image Adams was also the idea of ​​the original contract ( mīṯāq ). It follows on from Sura 7:172-3, where it is said that God " from the loins of Adam's children took their progeny " and made ​​them testify this, that he was their Lord, so that they could not say on the Day of Resurrection that they did not know about. Although not from Adam, but only of the children of Adam is mentioned here, this process turned to the right so that God took all of humanity in the form of pre-existent beings "from the back of Adam" and they made ​​them testify that God is their Lord be. Adam himself is said to have been lying lifeless on the floor in the process, which is differently located and arranged chronologically. Very important was this " covenant in the pre-existence " within the Islamic discussions about predestination. A hadith, which should support the predestinarian perspective and is Maalik ibn Anas narrated from his Muwatta ʾ, lets the Prophet Muhammad say:

"God created Adam. Then he stroked him with his right hand over the back and took out of it offspring; he said: These I have created for paradise; as for the paradise certain they will act. Then he stroked his back on his back and took out of it offspring; he said: These I have created for the ( hell ) fire; certain as for the ( hell ) fire they will act. "

Due to the idea that was already Adams offspring ready in his loins, a direct connection between Adam and Muhammad was prepared for then had to also already Mohammed have been in Adams loins. Muhammad's pre-existence in Adam's loins turned to their form a light before. Various traditions relate how this light wandered over time from the loins of Adam through the loins of Noah and Abraham about the Quraish to the loins of Muhammad's father.

Adam's death and burial

As in the biblical story, Adam is said to have a particularly high age in the Islamic tradition. Originally he was supposed to be 1000 years old, but when he learned that David should live only a short time, he gives him forty years of his own lifetime, so it was only 960 years old.

About the site of the original tomb of Adam, there were different information. A tradition they localized at Mount Abu Qubais in Mecca. After a well-known legend that follows the Christian tradition of the Syriac -Aramaic Treasure Cave, Noah brought on the flood the coffin Adams in the ark, and buried him. Following the end of the flood in Jerusalem According to the Shiite tradition, however, Adam Noah buried not in Jerusalem but in Najaf, where there is also the grave of ʿ Alī ibn Abī Talib. Even Ibn Battuta reported that here also the graves of Adam and Noah were shown in the mausoleum ʿ Ali.
