Adam Mickiewicz Institute

The Adam Mickiewicz Institute (Polish: Instytut Adama Mickiewicz ) is a Polish Cultural Institute, the promotion and dissemination of Polish culture abroad dedicated to.

The Institute was established on 1 March 2000 at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture. Since then the company is based in Warsaw part of foreign cultural policy in Poland. The aim of the Institute is advertising for Poland and Polish culture abroad. As part of " Polish years " in European and non- European countries ( for example in 2002 in Austria or the " German - Polish Year " 2005/2006) will be organized cultural and artistic events, with those abroad to look at the potential often little known abroad the country is to be routed. The events should generate a positive image abroad, to combat prejudice and make the country more attractive to investors and tourists. The Institute maintains for this purpose also the Internet portal which displays in English and Polish on the contemporary Polish culture.

The name of the Institute is an homage to the Polish " prince of poets " Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), the most important representatives of the Polish Romanticism.
