Addis Alem, Shewa

Addis Alem (also known as Ejerie ) is a city in Ethiopia. It is located in the mirab Shewa Zone in Oromia Region, west of Addis Ababa.

The Central Statistical Agency Addis Alem had 13,423 inhabitants according to, including 6,420 men and 7,003 women in 2005. The census of 1994 estimated the population at 7,500.

Addis Alem was founded in the 19th century by Menelik II as a new capital. Eventually, he left the capital, however, in Addis Ababa. The first paved road in Ethiopia was built in 1903 between Addis Alem and capital. A year later she could mostly be used.

The city is known for the murals in Debre Tsion Mariam their Church. In addition, here is a museum.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Dejene Berhanu (1980-2010), long-distance and marathon runner