Address space

As address space a set of addresses is called, which each uniform and ( within the address space ) clearly address (address) can.


Examples of address spaces are the set of all:

Address space in information technology

The main memory in computers is managed with the help of addresses and addressed. In modern computers, it is thereby not only a single address space, but memory management mechanisms are frequently switched, which make it possible to use different address spaces. Mapping the addresses of the address space of the respective storage cells is done by the memory management. This figure can also be done in several stages, so that address is mapped from address space to the address of the address space and only the address is then mapped to the address of the memory cell to be addressed. Furthermore, the address conversion may change during the life time, which the same address of an address space at different times, different memory cells can be assigned.

Common memory address spaces

In modern computer systems, including the following memory address spaces are used:

More recent operating systems

In desktop or server operating systems like Windows XP, Solaris, or Linux ( kernel version 2.6) used except during the system boot process, consistently linear address spaces. Because on x86 processors in 32- bit protected - mode segmentation is not switched off, here's a very simplified logical address space is used, in which program, data and stack segment over the entire linear address space extend, starting at the smallest linear address. Thus, here no segmentation takes place effectively and offset and linear address are identical.
