Adessive case

The adessive ( to Latin adesse: to be present ) is a grammatical local cases, which expresses the position in the vicinity of an object. He was one of the secondary local cases in Altlitauischen, eg jūraip (i) ( by the sea ), tėviep (i) ( the Father ), but today this fact is expressed by prepositional phrases, such as prie Jūros (on the sea, but also: the sea, cf allative ), pas Teva ( the Father, but also: the father).

Secondary, this case also express the agent of an action.

In Finno- Ugric languages

The function of the Adessivs corresponds to the prepositions in, on, at ( in Finnish and Estonian ) or ( in Hungarian ). In the Finnish and Estonian adessive is also used for the transcription of have because the Finno- Ugric languages ​​have no real verb know.


In Finnish, the adessive on - IIa or - llä ends. The ending depends on the vowel harmony.

Example: meillä " with us "

The adessive suppressed in Finnish the missing verb have made ​​.

Example: Minulla on vuode. "I have a bed. "


In Estonian the ending- l is in the plural or tel - or - del.


  • Maal " in the country"
  • Laud "table" → laual " on the table"

The adessive suppressed in Estonian and in Finnish " have " the missing verb from.

Example: Mul on poeg. " I have a son. "


In Hungarian, the adessive ends in- nál or tunnel. The ending depends on the vowel harmony.

Example: beacon " in the tree".

  • Grammatical case