Adria–Wien Pipeline

The Adria -Wien Pipeline ( AWP ) is a crude oil pipeline, bringing in the crude oil from Trieste to Schwechat, Lower Austria. It has been taken into operation in 1970.

It branches from the Transalpine oil line ( TAL) in Würmlach (Carinthia ) on the Italian- Austrian border and leads over the Koralpe through Styria and the change in part by the Burgenland to the OMV refinery in Schwechat. It has a length of 420 km. In Western Styria performs a 14 km long 16 "( 406 mm) stub to a camp of the ELG in Lannach where duty emergency reserves of the petroleum industry store.

The line has a capacity of 11 million tons of crude oil per year, which corresponds to 1/ 4 of the ÖBB freight traffic. The main pipe has a diameter of 18 "( 457 mm). Total of 12 pumping stations, which are supplied with 110 kV, require 32 MW of electric power to / achieve the maximum flow rate of 458 liter sec.

Throughput: approximately 7.8 million tons of crude oil ( 2005). So far, crude oil were enforced more than 200 million tons.

Shareholder of the AWP are the OMV with 76% majority owner, BP Austria 20 %, and Agip Austria ( Eni ) 4%.

Pictures of Adria–Wien Pipeline
