Adrian Plass

Adrian Plass ( * 1948 in Tunbridge Wells ) is a Christian British writer. In Germany he is known primarily for his satirical diary series as the pious slob.


After an aborted acting training Plass took a job in a home for the socially impaired children.

In the German -speaking world, he was suddenly known in the 1990s for his first diary of a devout anarchists, the ironic and critical depicts life in an evangelical church. In the following years he was with his books to one of the most popular Christian authors from England.

Adrian Plass is a member of the Church of England and lives with his wife Bridget and four children in Sussex / England. In 1992, his autobiography The steep ladder to heaven. Plass worked with at Focus on the Family. In the Radio Theatre, he starred in the miniseries Father Gilbert Mysteries with. He said the main role, Father Louis Gilbert, a former London police detective who was an Anglican priest and now solves mysterious cases in the fictional Sussexdorf Stonebridge.

In spring 2006, his novel was filmed Visiting Zeljka Morawek on location in Stuttgart.

The diary series

Devotional books


Family -Robinson - series

Volumes of poetry

Short story collections



  • Plass Hysteria (1992 ) (Word WV9001 ) (VHS)
  • Sacred Video of Adrian Plass (DVD)
  • A Touch of Plass (DVD)
  • The Visit (DVD) by Zeljka Morawek based on the novel by Adrian Plass


  • Preaching to the Converted (not yet published)

Pictures of Adrian Plass
