ADS 16402


ADS 16402 is the name of a binary star system in the constellation lizard. The star of the system, ADS 16402 A and ADS 16402 B, both belonging to the spectral class G0 and are about 450 light years from Earth. Component A has an apparent magnitude of 10.0 like component B of 10.4 mag. The angular distance of the star is 11 " 2, which corresponds to a distance of about 1600 AU., The age of both sun is estimated to be 3.6 billion years. ADS 16402 B is surrounded by an exoplanet and is in this context as HAT- P -1 known.

Planet HAT- P- 1b

ADS to 16402 B ( HAS -P -1) was discovered in a Exoplanet, known under the designation HAS -P -1 b, and belongs to the class of hot Jupiter. He was discovered with the help of a network of small wide-angle telescopes, which are based on the Hungarian Automated Telescope ( HAT), using the transit method. The distance between the exoplanet and the star AD 16402 B is only 5% of the distance between Earth and the Sun. HAT- P- 1b requires only about four and a half days to orbit its parent star.
