Advance (Missouri)

Stoddard County


Advance is a city in Stoddard County, Missouri. It is located 170 km south of St. Louis and has about 1200 inhabitants.


Advance is located in southeastern Missouri in the Midwestern United States. In the city the Missouri State Route 25 and State Route 91 Missouri meet. According to the United States Census Bureau, the area of ​​Advance is 2.3 square kilometers.


According to the census in 2000 living in Advance 1244 people in 544 households and 384 families. The racial sits down the population made ​​up of approximately 98 percent white population, and smaller minorities.

In 25.4 % of the 544 households living children under the age of 18, 49.8 % live in married couples, 11.2 % live in single women and 36.0 % are non family households. 34.6 % of all households were made up of individuals and 24.1% had someone living alone over 65 years. The average household size is 2.20 persons, the families at 2.80.

In relation to the entire city, the population is composed of 19.6 % under the age of 18, 8.5 % from 18 to 24, 23.2% between 25 and 44 years, 22.2% between 45 and 64 years and 26.5% over 65 years. The median is 44 years. Approximately 59.1 % of the population is female.

The median income for a household is $ 27,734, a family of $ 38,167. The per capita income is $ 15,036. Approximately 12.9 % of the population and 8.1 % of families are below the poverty line.

  • Location in Missouri
  • Location in North America
  • Stoddard County