
Aeonium balsamiferum

Aeonium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ). The botanical name derives from the Greek word " αίώνιος " ( aionios ) forever, enduring from.

  • 4.1 Literature
  • 4.2 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

The species of the genus Aeonium are biennial or usually perennial plants, which branched close to little or eintriebig. Sometimes they grow as mono carpe subshrubs or individual or cushion forming, almost stemless rosette plants. Their roots are fibrous. The shoots are often ascending, partially form groups or wound. They are glabrous or pubescent - with Aeonium smithii they are densely hairy. The shoots are smooth or provided with a reticulated pattern. Often distinct leaf scars are present. The rosettes are rather flat with tightly squeezed or upright inner sheets, or rather cup-shaped, often somewhat spherical and tightly closed during the dry season. The simple, seated, broad-based leaves are arranged fleshy to succulent clearly and spiral. Your leaf blade is often obovate or obovate - spatulate, sometimes ovoid, elliptical or plaster trowel -shaped. It is pointed towards the tip, tapered - pointed or rounded, truant or blunt. The base of the leaf blade is wedge-shaped or rarely significantly narrowed. The green or yellowish green, often pink or reddish variegaten leaves are glabrous, nearly glabrous or pubescent. Occasionally, they are bluish tinge or kleberig and sometimes shiny. At the edge of the sheet often are distinct, more or less straight or curved forward, drop - shaped or conical, unicellular hairs.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence is terminal, only Aeonium smithii it appears from basal rosette shoulders. It is often semi-spherical, oval or conical. The significant peduncle is often densely foliated. The flowers are 7 - to 12 - merous (rarely 6 - to 16- merous ) or 18 - to 32- merous. They have diameters of 12-25 mm and are available in bare, little to clear flaumhaarigem 1 to 16 mm long pedicles. The fleshy sepals are fused together at their base. They are glabrous or pubescent. The non- intergrown petals are spread or slightly bent back. They are often lanceolate or oblanceolate, sometimes obovate and usually acute or acuminate. The petals are pale to deep yellow or whitish and then variegat oftverschieden reddish. There are twice as many stamens as petals present. The free filaments are filiform, glabrous or tomentose. The cylindrical dust bag are colored variously yellow. The square or oblong, wedge-shaped Nektarschüppchen are 0.5 to 1.5 mm long and 0.3 to 1.2 millimeters wide. Occasionally they are missing. There are just as many carpels as petals present. Sometimes are clearly sunk into the receptaculum. The carpels are glabrous or frequently occupied with some glandular hairs.

Fruit and seeds

The follicles contain mostly warty or ribbed, brownish seeds.


The Aeonium species are mostly endemic to the Canary Islands. Two species are native to Madeira ( Aeonium Aeonium glandulosum and glutinosum ), one comes to the Cape Verde islands ( Aeonium gorgoneum ), another is in the southwest of Morocco at home ( Aeonium korneliuslemsii ), and finally, there are two types ( Aeonium Aeonium leucoblepharum and stuessyi ) in East Africa (eg Semien-Gebirge/Äthiopien ).


The first description of the genus Aeonium by Philip Barker Webb and Sabin Berthelot was published in 1840. Within the family of the Crassulaceae Aeonium genus belongs to the subfamily of Semper Vivo ideae and there is the tribe Aeonieae assigned.

After Reto Nyffeler the Aeonium genus includes the following species:

  • Section Aeonium Aeonium arboreum Aeonium arboreum var arboreum
  • Aeonium arboreum var holochrysum
  • Aeonium arboreum var rubrolineatum
  • Section Chrysocome Webb. Aeonium goochiae
  • Aeonium lindleyi Aeonium lindleyi var lindleyi
  • Aeonium lindleyi var viscatum
  • Section Greenovia ( Webb & Berthel. ) T.Mes aizoon Aeonium
  • Aeonium aureum
  • Aeonium diplocyclum
  • Aeonium dodrantale
  • Aeonium canariense var palmense
  • Aeonium canariense var subplanum
  • Aeonium canariense var virgineum

