Affinity analysis

The market basket analysis is a collection of statistical methods for the creation of customer profiles. Under a cart is understood in this context, the set of all products purchased within a certain period. On one hand, interested in market basket analysis, the probability of purchase for a product, on the other hand, the formation of types of customers according to their purchasing preferences.

In retailing under other loyalty cards for this purpose are used. With their help, personal and demographic data with the shopping behavior are combined. At the same time serve these cards customer loyalty, since their use with discounts, or other offers " will be rewarded ." A very simple, but anonymous collection method is to query the zip code of the place of residence of the customer during checkout at checkout.

In online trading is the buying behavior with the help of web analytics is about cookies and eg User accounts recorded.

The analysis of large data sets is carried out within the framework of an association analysis.
