Afghan rupee

The Afghan rupee was the currency in Afghanistan until 1925.


Before 1891 silver rupees circulated alongside Kupferfils and Goldmohur. The trade of these three metals was difficult because there was no fixed exchange rate between them. In addition, different regions were spending their own money.

A new currency was introduced in 1918. It was based on the Kabul rupee. It was divided into 60 paisa per 10 dinars. Other denominations were shahi (5 Paisa ), sanar (10 paisa ), abbasi (20 paisa ), quiran (30 Paisa ) and tilla and later the amani to 10 rupees each.


Banknotes were introduced in 1919. There were banknotes in the denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 rupees.
