Agape, Chionia, and Irene

Agape, Chione and Irene († April 1 304 Thessaloniki ) were three consecrated virgins who were martyred during the Diocletian persecution of Christians.

The three sisters came according to different reports from Aquileia or Thessaloniki. They were Christian virgins, daughters of a pagan family. In her youth, she learned about the Christian faith and converted to Christianity.

303 they fled because of persecution of Christians under Diocletian in the mountains, but there were found and arrested. You should eat meat offered to idols, and sacrifice to the Roman gods. Since they refused, they were sentenced to death by burning. The Martyrdom is based on the real protocols of their process, have been preserved in the Greek language. The Latin translation is by Cardinal Sirleto († 1585 ).

Roswitha from Gander home has treated the fate of Märtyrinnen in the drama The suffering of the holy virgins Agape, Chionia, Irene or Dulcitius ( after the Roman officer who tortured her ).

Memorial Day in the liturgy:
