Agent noun

A noun agentis (from the Latin nomen: Name and agentis, genitive of the participle of agere: to do, act ) is a persons name, which is derived from a verb or a noun, and refers to the subject connected with it. So can, for example, " run " from the verb, the deverbal noun agentis "runner" form, from the noun " city " the denominale noun agentis " townspeople ". Agent nouns are often formed in the German with the following suffixes, which are also called as derivational or Derivateme:

  • { he } -
  • { Counter} - or - { ner }
  • { - ier }
  • Latin - arius { }, { -ar }
  • Double - { EUR } / { - euse }, { } local hos - lat. / greek. { - or}
  • { ant }, { -ent }
  • { - is }
  • { - e}
  • { -it }, { - te }
  • { - an}, { - accepted }, { - ianer }