AGIL paradigm

The AGIL scheme is a system- theoretical model that was developed in the 1950s by the American sociologist Talcott Parsons. It systematically describes the basic functions to be fulfilled by each system of self-preservation. Initially designed as a basis of a theory of action, Parsons transferred the AGIL scheme in later work on social systems.

  • 2.1 breakdown into subsystems using the example of the social system

Basic concept

According to Talcott Parsons any existing or conceivable system must fulfill four functions in order to maintain its existence can:

Arrangement of functions in the square grid

The functions are arranged here according to two dichotomous criteria in a square grid:

  • Instrumental ↔ konsumatorisch The two instrumental functions " Adaptation" and " Latency " are left. They are instrumental called because they serve as a means of fulfilling other purposes.
  • The two konsumatorischen functions " Goal Attainment " and " integration " are right. You will konsumatorisch called because they create direct benefits, to a certain extent can be consumed.
  • The two active functions " Adaptation" and "Goal Attainment " stand up. Take a more active, changing role.
  • The two passive functions " integration " and " Latency " are noted below. Take a more passive, conservative role.

The respective horizontally next to each other subregions interact through symbolic medium of exchange such as money, power, influence or value binding.

In the order of " adaptation ", " Goal Attainment ", " integration " and " Latency " take the enabling forces ever further, while the order -creating forces increase more and more.

The action system

In order to perceive the four functions, a system forms from specific subsystems that meet the task at hand. In the broadest and most abstract system simultaneously, the action system, these are:

Each " action", whether of individuals or collective actors of various kinds ( groups or organizations) therefore results always has these four components.

Note: The term social system has a double meaning within the Parsons'schen theory. For one, it is as described above, a part of the human action system on the other hand, the term also social systems within the meaning of structural functionalism.

Subdivision into subsystems using the example of the social system

Also, each of these four subsystems subject to the AGIL schema, it can be so again broken down into the four basic functions. In the case of the social system, these include the following four components:

Parsons and the systems functionalism

Although Parsons is considered one of the founders of structural functionalism, just at the AGIL scheme but the inclusion of approaches from the General Systems Theory is clear. The resulting development of " systems functionalism " laid the foundation for the sociological systems theory.
