Agrarian society

The agricultural society is a pre-modern society with a high proportion of people employed in agriculture as the primary sector of the economy.


The agrarian society replaced the hunter - gatherer communities and was about the same time the pasture society about 12,000 years ago. Since the members of the Agricultural Society are sedentary, larger stocks can be compiled to physical assets and built.

All European societies between the Neolithic Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, agrarian societies, ie the small and few cities were each embedded in a larger agrarian environment should that supplied them with food. The transformation of these agrarian societies into industrial societies was partly invested by the industrialization of agriculture.

Each farm could generate through the use of machinery and chemical fertilizers is a multiple of products, as was necessary for the supply of working in this operating people, mostly family members. This labor was, under the frequent accompaniment of the mass- misery, released for the industry.

In the European Middle Ages, a feudal system developed within the agricultural societies.


All modern societies were agrarian societies, transformed later into industrial societies to be service companies over time. This historical process is called three-sector hypothesis. He says that " in the eponymous sector takes place in each of the major share of employment as of economic value added. "

The agricultural company stands out from the industrial and service society from by a low division of labor, strong self-sufficiency and less commuting of employees. People here often live in extended families. Leisure and labor often merge. The majority of the population is engaged in the production of agricultural products. The birth and death rates are both high. Cohabitation is often characterized by a common religion, outdated manners, customs, traditions and habits.

The products prepared with little or no mechanical use agricultural products serve primarily of self-sufficiency. Trade in agricultural products takes place only to a small extent, so that the majority of the population is engaged in agricultural production.


The industrialized cities and centers in the developing world are still mostly surrounded by agriculturally dominated areas. This resulted in numerous corporate and social problems, as, for example crucial distinguishes the socialization on the land of the socialization in an industrialized city. This often leads to social and political breakdown of the companies in the rural and urban population.


  • Model of society
  • Rural Sociology
  • Economic order