Agro ParisTech

Agro ParisTech ( Institut des Sciences et Industries du vivant et de l' Environnement ) is a French institute for education and scientific research. It is a member of the Center for Research and Higher Education and enjoys the status of a great institution.


The Institute was founded on January 1, 2007 by three engineering schools:

  • INA -PG - Institut National Agronomique de Paris- Grignon
  • ENGREF - Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts
  • ENSIA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricole et Alimentaires

Agro ParisTech is a member of the Paris Institute of Technology ( ParisTech ), a consortium of 10 leading French engineering schools. Agro ParisTech is a thing of together with INRA, Cemagref - IRSTEA, AFSSA, the national veterinary school of Alfort high and the national Landscape Architecture School of Versailles, the biotechnology and environmental science and technology network in the Paris region.

Chairs of Agro ParisTech

The five Lehrstühele distribute at:

  • Agriculture, forestry, water and environmental science and technology
  • Bioscience and Health
  • Food Science and biomaterial
  • Socio- Economic Sciences and Management
  • Mathematics, computer science and physics


Agro ParisTech offers the following academic programs:

  • 3 different Masters in Environmental Engineering:
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Food Science
  • Forestry


In 2012 there were 2,000 students at the Institute and 450 graduate students. 230 scientific staff worked with 300 researchers in 39 research units. Overall, there are nine campuses, four of them in Paris and the Paris region.

Known Former

  • Jacques Diouf, Senegalese diplomat, 1994-2011 Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO
  • René Dumont, a French agricultural engineer, sociologist and for environmental protection warring politicians
  • Pierre -Henri Gouyon, French biologist
  • Alain Robbe- Grillet, French writer and filmmaker
  • Michel Houellebecq, French writer