Agrochola lychnidis

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Variable Herbsteule ( Agrochola lychnidis )

The variable Herbsteule ( Agrochola lychnidis ) is a butterfly of the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ), which is common in almost all of Europe.


In Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus reddish copies can be easily confused with the occurring there Agrochola Rupicapra.

The moth is very variable in color, yellow, red, olive-gray, brown and almost black specimens before coming. The ring stain are contrary to its name did not ring, but very narrow and elongated. Similarly, the renal defect are relatively narrow. The wingspan is 30-40 mm.

Way of life

The preferred habitats of butterflies are deciduous forests and forest clearings. The caterpillars are from April to July on Prunus, willow ( Salix), yarrow (Achillea ) and Buttercup ( Ranunculus ) to find. After Sommerdiapause the doll, the moths fly during the months of September and October. The species overwinters as a caterpillar.

