Ahmed Cevad Pasha

Ahmed Cevad Pasha (Turkish: Kabaağaçlızade Ahmed Paşa Cevad; * 1850 in Syria; † August 10, 1900 in Damascus ) was a general in the Ottoman Army and a statesman. He is also known as Sakir Pasa.

Ahmed Pasha Cevad - full name: Kabaağaçlızade Ahmed Pasha Cevad - attended 1860-1864 the cadet school in Kuleli on the Bosphorus and 1864-1869 the War School in Pangaltı at Pera. Subsequently, he was appointed adjutant of Sultan Abdulaziz and wrote at this time a history of the Turkish military system. In the Russian - Ottoman war in 1877 and 1878 was re- attached under Cevad Pasha guide Shumla and he himself appointed chief of staff of the local troops.

At the peace conference, he participated as a member of the International Commission for the detection of boundaries. In 1884, he became brigadier general and Turkish representative in Montenegro, where he remained for more than four years. After his return he was appointed military inspector. At the outbreak of unrest in Crete 1889 he was sent to Generalbstabschef the suppression of the uprising troops and interim governor. As such, he put the rest back and forth was in 1890 appointed Mushir. In September 1891, after the fall Kamil Pasha appointed him Grand Vizier of the Sultan. In June 1895 he received his dismissal.

In August 1897, Ahmed was appointed governor of Crete and in November 1898 the governor of Damascus.

Ahmed Pasha Cevad died on August 10, 1900 in Damascus.

  • Man
  • Pasha
  • Military person (Ottoman Empire)
  • Grand Vizier
  • Governor
  • Born in 1850
  • Died 1900