Ahmet Ãœmit

Ahmet Ümit ( born 1960 in Gaziantep ) is a Turkish writer. He has published several detective novels, three of which have been translated into German, also poetry, numerous short stories and a fairy tale. He also wrote essays on, among others Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Patricia Highsmith, and Edgar Allan Poe.

Ümit was born in the city of Gaziantep in southeastern Turkey. At the age of 14 he began to get involved politically. Until his 29th birthday he was a member of the Turkish Communist Party. Ümit studied from 1985 to 1986, by then Turkish laws illegal, at the Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow. In the period of the military dictatorship (1980-1990), he participated in underground activities and went into hiding in 1989. He remained faithful to his left beliefs, but also recognized the authoritarian tendencies of the Communist Party, withdrew from politics and concentrated on his literary activity.

His first story he wrote in 1983 after completing a degree in administrative sciences in Istanbul. He is one of the pioneers of detective fiction with literary sophistication in Turkey. His books have sold in his country long runs and some have been made ​​into a movie. He also writes screenplays for TV crime series.


  • 2010: İstanbul Hatirasi ( German: Remembering Istanbul)
  • 2008: Bab- ı Esrar ( German: Gate of Secrets )
  • 2008: olmayan Ülke ( German: The country that did not exist )
  • 2007: İnsan Ruhunun Haritası ( German: The map of the human soul )
  • 2006: Ninatta'nın Bileziği ( German: Ninattas Bangle)
  • 2006: Kavim ( German: The Ancient tribe )
  • 2005: Başkomiser Nevzat, Çiçekçinin Ölümü ( German: Chief Inspector Nevzat, The Death of the florist )
  • 2004: Ask köpekliktir ( German: Love is infamy )
  • 2003: Beyoglu Rapsodisi ( German: The Beyoglu - Rapsodie )
  • 2002: Kukla ( German: The Marionette )
  • 2002: Şeytan Ayrıntıda Gizlidir (in German appeared: the devil is in the details )
  • 2000: Patasana ( in German published: Patasana )
  • 1999: Agatha'nın Anahtarı ( German: Agatha key )
  • 1998: Kar Kokusu ( German: Snow smell)
  • 1996: Sis ve Gece ( in German published: Night and Fog )
  • 1995: Masal Masal Içinde ( German: Märchen in Wonderland )
  • 1994: Bir Ses Böler Geceyi ( German: A scream breaks through the night)
  • 1992: Ciplak Ayaklıydı Gece ( German: Barefoot was the night )
  • Night and Fog. Union, Zurich 2005, ISBN 3-293-10002-3.
  • The devil is in the details: Mysteries of Istanbul. On the Ruffel, Engelschoff 2008, ISBN 978-3-933847-21-8.
  • Patasana. Galata Edition, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-935597-74-6.