Ahmose-Meritamon (17th dynasty)

Ahmose I. Meritamun was an ancient Egyptian princess of the New Kingdom. It comes from the 17th dynasty and was probably a daughter of Seqenenre and Ahhotep I. Since only the title King's Daughter and King's Sister are passed down from her, their exact assignment uncertain. According to Jürgen von Beckerath she wore the title of God's Wife and was possibly engaged to the heir to the throne died early Ahmose - Sapair. In more recent research, it is however considered to be a minor wife of Kamose or Ahmose I. Your mummy was discovered in the Deir el- Bahri, where they wiederbestattete in a coffin from the 21st Dynasty. After her death, she was worshiped along with her ​​parents and siblings in the workers village of Deir el -Medina.


Meritamuns mummy was in 1881 in the Deir el- Bahari (DB 320) discovered. She was in the coffin of the asset manager Seniu (Cairo, CG 61010 ) and was unwrapped on 30 June 1886 by Gaston Maspero. A label called her name and title, but Maspero expressed doubts as to the correctness and dated the wrapped mummy in the Middle Kingdom. The anatomist Grafton Elliot Smith could demonstrate in 1912 that the mummy is classified unequivocally in the early 18th dynasty due to the mummification. For example, the internal organs were removed from the left side of the body and the body cavity is filled with resin-impregnated linen upholstery. Typical was the wrapping of resin-impregnated mummy bandages.

The state of their skeleton after died Meritamun than older women. The cause of death a fall is suspected on the back of the head, traces of a head injury are still clearly visible on the mummified head skin. Meritamuns arms were removed only after death, probably by grave robbers, who were in search of prey. The inner shroud contained excerpts from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which was originally intended for a nomarchs named Mentuhotep. Another inscription called the "Temple of Mut", where presumably was the original burial place of Meritamun. Nicholas Reeves situates her grave, however, at Deir el- Bahri, because you here 1918-1919 found a Uschebti with the name of Seniu.

The mummy is now in the Mummy Room in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo (CG 61052 ).
