Aiguillon (Cèze)

In the gorge Concluses de Lussan

The Aiguillon is a river in France, which runs in the Languedoc- Roussillon region in the département of Gard. It rises near the hamlet of La Valus, in the municipality of Bouquet, hard on the border with the neighboring community Vallérargues. The river drains generally in a southeasterly direction and empties after 22 kilometers of the municipal boundary of Verfeuil and Goudargues as a right tributary to the Céze.

Places on the river

  • Lussan
  • Goussargues, community Goudargues


The water flowing down the Aiguillon is seasonally variable, and often leads to an utter Versiegung in summer.


The river forms the limestone gorge Concluses de Lussan that can be done at low tide and traveled at a higher water level with kayaks.
