Ajax the Lesser

Aias the Locrian (Greek Αἴας, also Ajax), son of the Locrian king Oileus, a Greek warrior at Troy and the second- fastest runner ( by Achilles ) and javelin thrower was known.

After the fall of Troy he raped in the sanctuary of Athena Cassandra, her priestess. Athena then bitterly complained to her father Zeus, whereupon he left her a freshly forged by Hephaestus thunderbolt with which they pierced the ship of Ajax on its journey home. The Locrians rowed with bare hands in order to keep afloat, but Athena tormented him further. Poseidon, however, took pity on him and flung him with a huge wave on a rock. Ajax started yet on the rock to brag that he was the gods escaped the sea in defiance. This hubris angry Poseidon so that he split with his trident the rock, with half of that said, Ajax, crashed into the sea. As he went down, Poseidon threw a hill on him. So the little Aias was ( symbolically ) defeated by the earth and the gods at the same time.
