Akaiwa, Okayama

Akaiwa (Japanese赤 磐 市, -shi, literally: red rock) is a town of about 45,000 inhabitants in the Japanese prefecture of Okayama.


The local government unit Akaiwa was on 7 March 2005 from the Association of Municipalities of Akasaka (赤 坂 町, chō ), Kumayama (熊 山 町, chō ), Sanyo (山阳 町, chō ) and Yoshii (吉 井 町, chō ) of the district Akaiwa founded.


Among the main attractions of the city include the Kumayama Ruins (熊 山 遗迹, Kumayama Iseki ), an important Buddhist witness of the early Nara period and the Isonokamifutsumitama Shrine (石 上 布 都 魂 神社, Isonokamifutsumitama -jinja )


The city is accessible by road moderate the Sanyo motorway and national roads 374 and 484 In addition, it is on the railway lines and the JR Sanyo Main Line.

Adjacent Cities and Towns

In the West Akaiwa borders the capital of Okayama Prefecture and to the east lies Bizen.
