Aksu River (Xinjiang)


Course of the Aksu

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Aksu (Chinese阿克苏, Pinyin Akesu, Russian Сарыджаз ( Sarydschas / Sary- Džaz ) ) is one of the headwaters of the Tarim in Kyrgyzstan and China ( Asia).

The river arises in the extreme east of Kyrgyzstan. He springs from the glaciers on the north side of the Sary- Džaz chain in the Tian Shan. From there it flows at first towards the west, then bends to the south and takes the Inylchek as a major tributary. He breaks through the high mountains and reached the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, ie in China, the endorheic Tarim Basin. In it, he runs through the city lies in 1270 m height Aksu and the northern part of the Taklamakan Desert in the south. Some south of the city of Aksu Aksu flows into the Tarim. The most important tributary of Aksu is the Toxkan He from the right.

Tarim ( Tarim He塔里木河Talimu He) River Network: Yarkant叶尔羌 河 | Aksu阿克苏 河 | Hotan和田 河 | Konqi孔雀河 | Weigan He渭 干 河 | Kaidu开 都 河 | Kashgar喀什喀尔 河 | Kutaganqu库塔 干渠

Ili ( Ili He伊犁河) River Network: Tekes特克斯 河 | Künes He巩乃斯 河 | Kax喀什 河

  • Tarim river system
  • River in Asia
  • River in Kyrgyzstan
  • River in China
  • Geography ( Xinjiang )