
Al- Meragh is an archaeological site in present-day Sudan. It is located about 227 km north of Omdurman. It lies in the Bayuda, an area that is largely desert today.

In al - Meragh Napatan a settlement could be excavated in the years 1999 and 2000. So far found only in private houses, but had stone pillars and stone door frames, thus suggesting relatively high social standing residents. The houses consisted of two units each. All the buildings are oriented in the same direction, so that one can assume a uniform planning. The place was probably inhabited by only one or two generations and was then destroyed by fire.

The function of this settlement, which already has quite town character is not certain, but it may well have been an administrative center that the Cushites built here to colonize the area. The place was apparently destroyed by nomads. Whether it is acted at the Meded nomads, such as the excavator of the settlement suspects can not be proven.
