Al Rakim

Ar - Raqim (Arabic الرقيم, DMG ar - Raqim ) is an Arabic expression used in the Quran in Sura 18:9 in the introduction to a variant of the legend of the Seven Sleepers, and which is interpreted controversial, including:

  • As the name of the dog that guarded the cave in which studied the seven saints refuge. In other traditions is called the dog Qitmir.
  • As a place name their place of origin or their place of refuge, which is then not suspected in Ephesus, but among other things near Amman.
  • As a name attached in front of the cave stone or lead panel on which the names and history of the cave comrades in this tradition distinguished from the seven sleepers had been written down.
  • As a result, the reading of the name of their persecutor Decius, whose name had been misinterpreted in Aramaic or Syriac inscription on the path of the report to Mohammed.