Alain Soral

Alain Soral ( born October 2, 1958 in Aix -les- Bains, Savoie, France; actually Alain Bonnet de Soral ) is a Swiss- French right-wing essayist and occasional actor.


After youth in Annemasse and Paris and studied art at Beaux Arts and temporary teaching position at the École supérieure des arts et techniques de la mode, he joined the Communist Party in 1990. In 1991 he published an autobiographical novel Le jour et la nuit ou la vie d'un vaurien; eight years later he published an anti- feminist essay Vers la feminisation. In the 90s, he also had several television appearances and a role in the movie A Perfect Love ( 1996) by Catherine Breillat.

In 2006, he officially joined the National Front and was a member of the Central Committee on Nomierung by Jean -Marie Le Pen in 2009, however, he resigned from the FN after after an altercation with Marine Le Pen does not rank in the European elections had received in 2009. In 2007 he founded a political group Egalite et Réconcilaition that, under the motto Gauche droite du travail of valeurs (left for work, for the right values) for a "national reconciliation " campaigns. Gained fame Alain Soral particularly through his work with the comedian Dieudonné Dieudonné; In 2009 he ran on its list antisioniste in the European elections in 2012 and played in the film Forbidden L' antisémite a role.

Alain Soral is the brother of the actress Agnès Soral, which, however, has distanced itself from its political manifestations.


  • Poche Les Movements de mode expliqués aux parents, Hector Obalk, Éric Walter and Alexandre Pasche, Robert Laffont, 1984. Reissue France Loisirs and Le Livre de, ISBN 2-221-00878-2, ISBN 2-724-22331-4, ISBN 2-253-03736-2
  • La création de mode. Comment comprendre, maitriser et créer la mode, éditions SIS, 1987.
  • Le Jour et la Nuit, ou la vie d'un vaurien, novel, Calmann - Lévy, 1991, ISBN 2-7021-2041-5. Reissue under the title La Vie d'un vaurien Éditions Blanche, 2001, ISBN 2-84628-013-4
  • Sociologie du dragueur Éditions Blanche, 1996, ISBN 2-911621-02-6, ISBN 2-91162-102-6, ISBN 2-84628-106-8 Re- edition 2004
  • Vers la feminisation? Démontage d'un complot antidémocratique Éditions Blanche, 1999, ISBN 2-911621-56-5 Reissue under the title Vers la feminisation? Pour comprendre l' arrivée des femmes au pouvoir, Éditions Blanche, 2007.
  • Jusqu'où va- t-on descendre? Abécédaire de la bêtise ambiante Éditions Blanche, 2002, ISBN 2-84628-035-5 Reissue under the title Abécédaire de la bêtise ambiante, Pocket, 2003, ISBN 2-266-12783-7 Reissue, Éditions Blanche, 2008, ISBN 2-84628-189-0
  • Socrate à Saint- Tropez: texticules Éditions Blanche, 2003, ISBN 2-84628-062-2 Reissue with Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante Éditions Blanche, 2008, ISBN 2-84628-189-0
  • Misères du désir, Éditions Blanche, 2004, ISBN 2-84628-081-9.
  • Chute! Éloge de la Disgrace, Éditions Blanche, 2006, ISBN 2-84628-138-6
  • Comprendre l'Empire. Demain la gouvernance global ou la révolte des Nations, Éditions Blanche, 2011, ISBN 2-84628-248- X
  • Chroniques d' avant - guerre, Éditions Blanche, collections Kontre - Kulture, 2012, ISBN 9782846283007
  • Dialogues désaccordés. Combat de Blancs dans un tunnel ( interview with Éric Naulleau ), Hugo, Blanche collection, 2013, ISBN 9,782,755,612,745th