Alajõe, Ida-Viru County

59.01055555555627.43Koordinaten: 59 ° 1 ' N, 27 ° 26' O

Alajõe ( until 1923 Russian Олешница Oleschniza ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian Ida- Viru. It is the administrative center of the rural community Alajõe. Alajõe has 147 inhabitants (as of 2000). The population is predominantly Russian.


The village is situated on both banks of the 29 km long river Alajõgi at its mouth in Lake Peipsi.


The village Alajõe first written in 1583.

Environment and facilities

To Alajõe is an important recreational area with many dachas and as rest homes for the working people of the nearby mining and construction area daily built facilities. In the village there is the Russian Orthodox Nativity church, shops and a library.
