Ã…land legislative election, 2011

  • SOC: 6
  • ÅF: 3
  • C: 7
  • OB: 4
  • LIB: 6
  • M: 4

The parliamentary election was held in Åland 2011 on October 16, 2011.

The election brought the hitherto strongest force in Parliament of Åland, the Liberals under Viveka Eriksson, significant loss of votes. It is run by Harry Jansson center also lost easily, but has now been before the Liberals strongest party. The Social Democrats and the Moderates drove the biggest gains.

After the election, the leader of the Social Democrats, Camilla Gunell was the new head of the Government of Åland.


Six parties and an electoral association competed for election.

An incoming following parties were already represented in the Parliament:

In addition, the " constituency association for Henrik Appelqvist " ( Valmansförening för Henrik Appelqvist ) replaced in the election.

Election result
