Albrecht von Rapperswil

Albrecht von Rapperswil (also Albrecht of Raprechtswil ) was a Swiss Minstrels, in the Codex Manesseplatz three songs are attributed. As Ministerialer of the Counts of Rapperswil, he held probably in the late 13th or early 14th century, the Office of the Marshal.


Albrecht, probably a Ministerialer of the Counts of Rapperswil, clothed with the Marshal's Office, a hereditary and Hofamt: The Marshal, initially essentially the equerry, who led the overall supervision of the horses ( stables ) and thus on the mounted retinue, was with the advent the knight armies in time of war the supreme command of the leadership of the knights and estates. In addition, the Marshal was also responsible for the overall supervision of the entire Hofwesen and took over the duties and responsibilities of the steward, butler and master chef.

The names of the marshals in the service of the Counts of Rapperswil are not delivered, the historical allocation controversial. Persons with whom Albrecht could be identified from Rapperswil, are documented in the years 1271/76 and 1282 or 1272, 1276, 1321 and 1336. Karl Bartsch assumed that Albrecht probably did not originate from the 14th century, "because in the Paris Hf [ handwriting ], which contains only his songs, he is, along with the poets surrounding him, which also Switzerland and determined the 14 belonging century, grudge later. Also betrays his language and his versification decided a younger time. "

Whether Albrecht von Rapperswil a close relative of Count Johann I von Habsburg- Laufenburg ( * before 1295/6 - † 1337) was and whose son John II, is not certain, but possible. Several members of the Count House of Rapperswil are documented in the early 14th century as a minstrel: Songs of Wernher von Homberg, son of Countess Elisabeth of Rapperswil (* 1251/61 - † 1309) from his first marriage, are also in the Codex to find Manesseplatz (folio 43v ). From Elizabeth's grandson John II (* 1330 - † 1380 ) is the Minnelied " Blümli blawe " narrated the Johann Wolfgang Goethe to the ballad " The little flowers Beautiful: Song of the captive Count " inspired.


In Manesse Albrecht von Rapperswil as Albrecht Marshal of Rapperswil (folio 192V ) can be attributed to three songs.

The author picture shows to see in the upper third of three different headdress bearing ladies and two musicians. The Fighting Knights are protected with chain mail, greaves and pot helmets. The two people shown are the small squires ( Kriiere ) of the knights. They assisted the knights during tournaments, seem here but even for a practice fight with each other. The unrealistic proportions of people in photo represent the different social rank Represents the coat of arms of Rapperswil, was in the service of Albrecht, is shown three times; the lion on the dorsum indicates that Rapperswil was Habsburgs in the development of miniature (painter N1) in Manesse.

A classification of Albrecht's three songs in the last quarter of the 13th century is possible on substantive and procedural grounds. The first two songs are attributed to him working with repetitions Bare; Song 2 is a modification of the first song, which works with ( not held ) internal rhymes, song 3 vierhebige a canzone. Albrechts songs are dreistrophig, start with a description of the nature and treat in addition, the usual for the minstrelsy issues of women's price and request for Minne -performance by the woman; the suffering of Minne remains largely ignored. Stylistic models in terms of language formulas and images are Ulrich von Lichtenstein, Gottfried von Neifen, Ulrich von Stetten winter and Konrad von Würzburg. Another unusual feature is the image used in the first song of the lover as interpreter of the eyes of his beloved star. Bartsch ruled on Albrecht's songs: "His three Minnelieder rise in nothing beyond the ordinary level ."
